Abstract submission feedback

With a record-breaking 738 abstracts submitted unfortunately we are unable to provide personal feedback on submissions.

General feedback and handy hints for submitting abstract for future Medicines Management Conferences:

  • Follow the abstract submission criteria strictly
  • Stick to the 300 word count limit, which includes headings and references but excludes the title
  • Stick to the 15 word count limit for your abstract title
  • Use the specific headings, as listed in the abstract submission criteria, for the abstract category you are submitting to
  • Author names and other identifying information, such as workplaces, hospitals or affiliations, MUST NOT appear in the abstract
  • Tablet, graphs, pictures or diagrams MUST NOT appear in the abstract
  • Avoid abbreviations, and if you need to use them, make sure they are spelled out in full on first use
  • ‘Clever’ use of hyphens will be picked up by abstract reviewers, and can impact your score against marking for Criteria 1: Clarity of writing
  • Only Word document submissions will be accepted, do not upload posters or documents in other formats
  • Save your abstract file without identifiers in the document name – save it as the title of your abstract instead or simply ‘abstract’